DATE: 17 APR 21
While I prayed, I saw a creature opening a door slowly, peeping into a house that kind of looked like a hall. It seemed there were other creatures behind this creature; however, one wouldn’t notice this except one zoom in closely.
Then, I saw these creatures send termites; they were like soldier ants too. They were large in number, sent to climb over the roof of that house. They climbed off and started eating it off.
The roof was supposed to have a cover that looked like a thick net, to prevent anything from entering into the house, but there was none.
So, there was free access for them to enter into the house. They would crawl in and find places to stay and hide in that house.
I think I heard, “build up your house with iron gauze (wire gauze).” I didn’t understand this.
Then, I got “build fortresses.”
It seemed those termites could not climb up those iron gauze, much more eat them, if they were used to build a house. I was shown this so I would know what happens when you build with woods.
I got that we should emit strong fires to burn off these ants or termites.
Also, I heard “fire extinguisher.” I felt this would be used to quench every fiery dart of the enemy. I remembered our shield of faith.
I heard, “Guard your heart diligently.”
Then, I had an impression to read Numbers 25.
The story of Balaam and King Balak came to mind.
I heard Revelation 2:14: “Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality.”
I kept hearing “do not practice the doctrine of Balaam”
I saw a big house in a City and I heard “City of refuge.” From the book of Numbers 35.
The verse that said, “if the accused goes outside the limits of the city of the refuge and the avenger of blood finds them outside the city…” kept ringing in my head.
Then, I saw these women that looked human at first. However, when they opened their mouths to speak, I noticed they had two tongues like those of a snake, and they were very sharp.
I got Romans 3:13-14, but the emphasis was on verse 13:
“Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips.
They would come deceitfully. Then I heard, “learn to test every spirit. Some of them offer to give you freedom, but they lead you away to bondage.”.
Then I got 2Peter 2:18-22, with an emphasis on verse 19: “They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity or people are slaves to whatever has mastered them”.
At the end of my prayers, I kept saying ‘invade us Holy Spirit’. Then I heard, “be filled with the spirit, that you may not gratify the desires of your flesh.”
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