I had a dream, and though I can’t remember it completely, this is the part I can recall:
In the dream, I was a certain King Daniel, king of Jerusalem, who had just wedded his queen. We decided to go on a vacation with her dad (who also was a king), but his Kingdom was mightier than mine. Somehow, I also knew that he was my father, or was like a father to me. Not too long after we reached his palace, we had a child; a son.
Then there was a particular day we were in my father-in-law’s room. He was sitting at the head of the gigantic bed while we sat at the foot of the bed. Suddenly, I fell into a trance (but it wasn’t just a trance; it was actually happening) and I began to see that my Kingdom Jerusalem was under attack. It was so terrible. Everything was being brought to the ground. I began to shake so much that I fell off from the foot of the bed to the ground. I was crying and praying vigorously and I kept saying something like, “Lord, please have mercy!” It felt so helpless because I couldn’t return to help my people and neither could I come out of the trance.
There was a lot of carnage. The whole palace had become alarmed by now. My queen started panicking (she had every right to, especially as I was acting convulsively) and saying to her father “That’s how he always does o!” She seemed so naive and ignorant while her dad seemed to be very relaxed about the whole situation like it was something he was expecting. You would be almost sure he was the one orchestrating it. I think he was the one who said something like, “Don’t worry. After this, there will be peace on every side.”
At a point while I was crying, I remember saying something like, “there were three different armies attacking Jerusalem,” and I was listing them. But I remember saying one of them loudly: “The Fleas are attacking!” and in the trance, I saw things that looked like flies or insects of some sort.
After a long time of the destruction going on in Jerusalem, it seemed my father-in-law sent his armies to rescue. But his armies seemed to be made up of funny things, like wooden bots that looked like small kids. Even the machinery seemed wooden. After everything was over (I was still watching everything in the trance), I saw a figure that looked like a snowman, only that he wasn’t made of snow, but wood.
At the end, my Father-in-law asked me and my queen, “Will you like your son to act the way you act?”
This was the understanding I had of the dream:
~ The Queen represents the Church; Jerusalem.
~ The destruction of Jerusalem here speaks of the coming judgment on the Church.
Before the judgment comes, it is imperative that the church becomes one with Daniel (The prophet Daniel of the Bible, who is known for his intercession via repentance). Because of their union, when King Daniel was praying, it was equal to his Queen praying as well. So, in essence, that was the church praying.
I understand that the intercession would not in any way stop the judgment from coming, but it will in a lot of ways determine how the post-judgment restoration was going to be. So, in the midst of the onslaught that is coming, we must not stop praying. I also had the impression that it was a crucial time for the church to study and understand the Book of Daniel.
~ The Father of the queen represents God, Our Father.
Concerning the fleas:
Dictionary definition: A flea is a small wingless jumping insect which feeds on the blood of mammals and transmits diseases through its bite, including plague and myxomatosis. Myxomatosis: a usually fatal viral disease of rabbits, causing skin tumors.
Then I got these two passages:
Exodus 8:20 – Since the Church has decided to behave like Egypt in so many ways, so also the judgment that came on Egypt will befall it. My attention was drawn to the fact that the plague of the fleas on Egypt was the 4th plague. I was reminded from my own Bible studies that “4” speaks of “Mercy.” Then I understood to some extent that the coming judgment was God’s mercy to the Church.
2 Samuel 2
4:12-15: I had the impression that the three options mentioned in this passage were the three armies attacking Jerusalem in my dream. The thing was that they were not options but were all going to come upon the church. I also believe that whatever plague which will break out in our land will be directly linked to the judgment coming on the church.
Concerning the son born to King Daniel and the Queen:
I think it speaks of the Overcomers (Man-child Company). The church will have to become one with Daniel, both as a book in the Bible and as a person, as an important part of the birthing of the man-child. This company will also act out Daniel and the Church’s prophetic intercession coupled with repentance.