While we prayed about child trafficking in Nigeria, I saw a dark corridor and then when I went through a door, I saw that it was a factory. I saw a very young girl. Her face was quite dark. She was a picture of a dark Nigerian girl lying on the floor and I saw that she was naked. She looked like she was about twelve years old.
I heard her trying to get my attention to help her. She was shouting, “Aunty… aunty”. I looked at her wondering what was wrong. I realized that she was completely naked and a few seconds later, I saw this beast-like man who was armed with weapons. He came into the room the little girl was in and dragged her away.
When he did this, I noticed that she was just one out of many naked children lying on the floor in this “factory”. I saw that she was just lying among a pool of people. I noticed that there were different machines set up for different purposes, still in that factory.
As this beast-man dragged this young girl away, he stopped and began to cut off different parts of her body. He cut off sensitive parts of her body and then he put them in a corner. Then I saw him go back to the area where he had picked the little girl from and he picked another little girl. He took this particular one to one of the machines, and this machine was to cut off her body parts in a neat way.
Physically, it had a manifestation, and the impression that I had was that this will be used for witchcraft, rituals or something of that nature.
I saw another machine and I got that it was designed specifically to squeeze out their heart out of their bodies. It seemed like how the machine would work is that the child will go through the hole in it and there was a mechanical claw that will dip into their chests and bring out their hearts. The hearts would then be passed to another sector of the machine that would squeeze out the heart completely, draining it of blood. When the organ is completely drained, what looked like a bean sized white seed would be removed from the heart and placed in a jar comprised of other white seeds gotten from the same procedure done on other children.
I got that those seeds represented their hope in life and a future. So the beast-like captors were not just taking their body parts, they were also taking their hope.
Some of the children had both their body parts and their “Seed of Hope” taken away. The seed was was originally intended to germinate and grow more as the kids grow older. These seeds belonging to different children were kept in a jar.
There was another group of beasts that were destroying some children completely. They didn’t take away anything from them. They just put them in a furnace and burnt them. Those were the three major acts I saw in that factory. I felt very heavy and burdened while seeing these.
I think at this point, I was weak and I was crying. Then this song came to my mind and I began to sing it:
“He is the Lord, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Christ is king”.
At that point, it seemed I was being reminded who the true Lord is.
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