TITLE: Nightmares Nabbed!
DATE: 05 APR 23
MISSION: Operation Pharmakeia
REPORTED BY: Agent Titilayo. O
From around October 2020, I’ve battled with bad dreams as a born-again Christian. I would get strange and sometimes very sexual dreams repeatedly. The dreams affected my emotions and confused my understanding about reality. I found out later that the goal was to brainwash me to commit sin.
They were of varying kinds, for instance, even though I am female, I would have dreams where I am told that I am a male, I would see myself doing masculine things including being made to commit sexual immorality, and I saw myself getting married multiple times to a female. I also dreamt of demonic gods where I would be told that I am connected to them and I am to serve them. I was often threatened and lied to by these demonic or ancient voices. In fact, sleeping and dreaming became a very terrible time for me and it made me struggle with lustful thoughts sometimes for weeks at a stretch.
At the beginning, I was angry, I whined and complained about the problem but, of course, that didn’t solve it. When I told my shepherd about it, she encouraged me to repent and stop complaining. She advised me to pray about it, battle it with scriptures and wait on the salvation of the Lord.
So, I started praying intensely that God will take it away. I searched for scriptures on lust and used it to pray for God’s help. I would fight in the dream to remind myself about those words I had learnt during the day. I also prayed that God would help me remember my identity as a female. During the day whenever my mind wandered to those dreams, I would have to wash in the word and remind myself of the truth. I would read my Bible and repeat what God’s word says about lust. I also listened to the audio Bible with earphones to quench the dirty feelings I had. It was a fierce battle on lust.
By 2022, I had learnt in some way to battle the issue much better. But still, whenever the battles came, I would complain, catch myself and then repent. I wondered many times, “why won’t God just take this problem away?” I tried to trust, but it was hard. It was a huge battle of both good and bad dreams throughout the night. Even though it got tiring, I tried to obey my shepherd and keep fighting the good fight of faith.
One random day in December 2022, my deliverance came. The method however, was unconventional. I was listening to a Sunday message on YouTube, and heard Pastor say prophetically as he was preaching, “…the reason you keep having those dreams is because you won’t play godly songs. Play our (God’s Lighthouse -GLH) songs, it will create a better atmosphere where God can dwell.”
I was surprised, songs? So all I had to do was play songs? Because I had seen God work in strange and beautiful ways and because we are taught to obey despite what we think and feel, I started my song playing journey. I got over 50 of our songs and made a playlist, I called it “My GLH Top 50 night time songs”. I started playing them every night and my story changed to my amazement. The bad dreams stopped almost immediately.
I noticed however that whenever the song stopped, even for just two minutes, the bad dreams would come and as soon as the song started, it would vanish. So I put my playlist on repeat. Just like that, my tormentors fled and I slept soundly, like a baby. Gone was the feeling of defilement and filthiness every morning.
After I heard that sermon and saw its effectiveness, I started doing it consistently and I have done it till this very day. The bad dreams that once seemed impossible to get free from have totally stopped! I am no longer oppressed and defiled when I sleep.
I praise God for helping me fight battles more efficiently through our songs. I have had so much peace in the last four months because of GLH songs. I am able to receive what the Lord says to me through my dreams and I do not take that for granted.
Through our songs, God has helped me create an atmosphere that is not conducive for the enemy. Thank you Lord for freeing me.
Praise God!