DATE: 17 APR 20
MISSION CLASS: Operation Eros
I was in the parlour editing a transcript when suddenly, I felt lust come on me heavily. As the feeling intensified, I got up from the chair where I was seated and began to speak in tongues loudly. I walked around the parlour as I was praying, not minding if anyone in the house was hearing me pray.
As I kept praying, my little brother, whom I had prayed for and baptized in the Holy Spirit suddenly came around and joined me. I was surprised when I saw him join me because he can be quite shy. We both continued to speak in tongues. At this point, I wasn’t focused on my temptation anymore because I was engrossed in the presence of God. I thought of calling my sister to join us but I resisted because I felt she wouldn’t come, since she doesn’t really like praying aloud and she wasn’t baptized in the Holy Spirit yet. After a while, I saw my sister come into the parlour to join us. The 3 of us then joined hands and began to pray even more.
At first, my sister was praying quietly in English. I got the impression that it was time for her to be baptized in the Holy Spirit too, so I said out loud (while they continued praying), “No one should pray in English. We must become like children for us to enter the kingdom of God.”
Suddenly, I heard my sister blasting out loud in tongues. After a while, in shock, I asked her if she just got baptized in the Holy Spirit there and then, since her tongues sounded like one who had been praying in the spirit for a good while. She confirmed that she just got baptized right there! When the prayers ended, I prayed for God to open their eyes to spiritual experiences – visions, dreams, and spoke more to them about the Holy Spirit.
This was how what originally was a lust attack, turned out to be a class on baptism of the Holy Spirit and an opportunity to build up our faith, praying in the Spirit. The kingdom is indeed taken by force. If the devil can attack us violently, we must resist him violently too, till the shedding of our blood.