REPORTING CADET: B.A. DATE: 16TH MARCH 2020 When we were singing the new song, “Hallelujah,” I felt a sharp pain...
Read moreREPORTING CADET: E.E. DATE: 1ST SEPTEMBER 2019 I saw myself being picked up by something that seemed like a chopstick....
Read moreREPORTING CADET: V.N.B. DATE: 29TH SEPTEMBER 2020 While I was rounding up prayers for one of my brethren, I felt...
Read moreREPORTING CADET: F.O. DATE: 15TH AUGUST 2020 I saw a soldier fighting. He was surrounded by enemy forces who looked...
Read moreREPORTING CADET: M.P. DATE: 23RD AUGUST 2020 People were marching in a straight vertical line. Each person in the queue...
Read moreWhile we were praying, I saw people holding gold to themselves. I heard that people will be deceived by money,...
Read moreI saw people in a hut without walls around it. The only thing the hut had was a roof, and...
Read moreI saw a poor person without shoes; he was wearing rag clothes. He had no footwear and his feet were...
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