- Region: Lagos, Nigeria
- Date: 27th September, 2020
- Time of Departure: 9:00am
- Team: Solo mission
- Supervisor: Direct supervision from HQ
- Landing Zones (LZ)
- [Name of church here]: Children’s department
- Enemy Spotted Enroute:
- Ground Activity:
- Air Activity:
- Miscellaneous Activity: nil
- Result of Encounter with Local Populace:
- Hostage Rescue: None
- First-Aid:
- Enemies Captured: None
- Engagements with the Enemy: Ignorance
- Cadet Recruitment: about 50-100 (process still ongoing)
- Report:
It has been three weeks since I joined the children’s unit of my parents’ church here in Lagos. I began to feel the Lord was leading me to the children unit, as I was prevented from going to the church group I had attended previously. So I did not insist on going back to the previous church.
The children’s unit of my parents’ church is called Child Evangelism Unit (C.E.U). The unit consists of not less than a hundred children. Every Sunday, not less than 70-80 children are in attendance. During the first or last Sunday services of the month, there can be over a hundred children in attendance. In my young days, the children’s unit used to have an average of 150 children and could very well, surpass the number.
I started serving in the children’s unit on the 27th of September, 2020. Everyone in the church knows me, as I grew up in that church. The leaders were most definitely happy to have me around.
On my first Sunday as a part of the Children Unit team, I didn’t do much since I was new and it was my first time, but after the children had been taught from their manual – as usual the main church meeting was still on – I called some of the older children and taught them two memory verses from Scripture. Isaiah 1:19-20 and Luke 2:52. The children were not less than thirty in number. With very high enthusiasm, they learnt them in minutes.
I did not attend the church meeting the next Sunday because I had to attend to some pressing needs. So, I streamed the Sunday service of my church in Uyo, Akwa Ibom online. By the next Sunday, 11th October, 2020, I went to church and reported at my duty post – the children’s unit. Most of the teachers were not around at the time I arrived. There were a few junior teachers present, but since I was the oldest there, I conducted the service. I led the children in praise after a very short exhortation. Even I could not hold myself as I kept dancing and sweating. This lasted for more than 30 minutes.
During worship, I shared a brief exhortation encouraging them to close their eyes, focus and worship God, stating that they could also experience the heavenly realms, and see Jesus and Angels. The worship lasted for close to an hour. The children had never been so intentional and serious minded in worshipping, especially the older children. No one had to force them to close their eyes, wave their hands or kneel down as they worshipped. They worshipped God passionately. Then I led them to pray for the infilling of the Holy Spirit and more. They jumped in to the prayers passionately.
After the prayers, I asked the children if they saw anything while they were praying. Just a few little kids raised their hands to say that they saw Angels. The older kids hesitated and I understood why. That was the first time they were ever hearing the words, “If you saw anything, raise your hand.” So, there’s still the need to increase their faith and create an environment where they can experience these things.
When it was time for the teaching, I taught the older class. The topic from the Manual was on Courage and the content was quite truthful. So, I expounded on it and taught the kids with stories, illustrations and dramas. They enjoyed the class and learnt a lot; I could see it in them.
Before teaching, I had to address the areas of their lives they were lousy and playful, and told them to be mindful of their actions as they were the older kids and the junior kids would look up to them and emulate their actions. I taught them that God is royalty and His children must behave like royalty. They should fear God (reverence Him), have dignity and self-respect, as this would earn them more respect and privileges even in their schools.
At the end of the class, I led all the children to Christ. Apparently, even though they had been attending church meetings, they had not yet received Jesus into their lives. I prayed for them to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Afterwards, we learnt a memory verse. The text from the manual was Philippians 4:13, so I taught the children the Bible verse in a song form. I was quite surprised that the children had not forgotten the memory verses I had taught them previously. They all sang it and I also taught the new kids who didn’t know it.
- Teach
- Pray
- Engage
- Interact
- Involve
- Apply innovation
What happened next?
Afterwards, reports came from a few parents. They were so glad about the things their children had learned. Apparently, after the first week, the children had gone back to tell their parents the things they were taught. However, there’s still more work to be done. I’m so loving this children ministry even though it comes with a lot of shouting that would cause your throat and legs to hurt. But I’m enjoying it a lot.
Utibe Ukpe
- Time of Return: [Unspecified.]
- Point of Return: [Unspecified.]